Tech: Am I Enthusiastic or Skeptical?
Am I a tech enthusiast or skeptic? I reckon I’m an enthusiast these days. Over the past twelve months, as my wife and I study for Masters degrees and work in a tech-reliant school, I have been introduced to a wide variety of exciting online tools for students: Canva , Piktochart , Screencastify , Mindmeister , and Animoto to name a few. I have introduced my students to these tools and, with some trepidation, the students are starting to leave their comfort zones and explore them. The great thing is that I don’t need to be an expert- I just tell the children to explore (something advocated by Peggy Ertmer here ). Let’s look at a few articles exploring both sides of the tech argument. Collins and Halverson’s Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America gives an efficient summary of the advantage of tech in schools, though some of the research cited is a bit date...
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